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Cubebrush - Modo beyond the clouds with StudioartVFX

Cubebrush - Modo beyond the clouds with StudioartVFX
Cubebrush ? Modo beyond the clouds with StudioartVFX
Duration 6h Project MP4
Take to the skies with this MODO training video which delves into the realm of clouds. You will learn quick techniques to create background skies in record time. You will also learn how to create volumetric clouds, complete with 3D textures which give them lifelike depth. You will dive into the volumetric shading panel and learn the ins and outs of creating the looks you need with your volumes. Learn how to use volumes together with MODO?s particle system to generate endless variety.

This video will give you numerous scene files that you can pick apart and experiment with, letting you continue to expand on the wealth of knowledge given you about MODO?s incredible volumetric system. Take your work in MODO to the next level with these amazing tools! (6 videos ? approximately 2 hours)
22-Jan-21 Admin 253 0
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