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Skillshare - Automotive Visualization with cinema4d and octane render

Skillshare - Automotive Visualization with cinema4d and octane render
Skillshare ? Automotive Visualization with cinema4d and octane render
Duration 28m MP4
In this class I?ll walk you through the process of automotive visualization and show you everything u need to get started on your journey to creating automotive renders

What You?ll Learn

Creating car shaders. we will go over about creating every type of material you will need to shade your cars
Understand lighting I?ll walk you through how lights work in octane render and how to achieve more realistic lighting
Creating lighting setups we will create a basic lighting setup and I?ll show u how u can reuse the same setup to switch up your lighting into different setups

Project Description
Using showed techniques you can start to shade and light cars as much as your heart desires
22-Jan-21 Admin 287 0
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