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CGCookie - Create a VFX shot in Blender: Alien Abduction

CGCookie - Create a VFX shot in Blender: Alien Abduction
CGCookie ? Create a VFX shot in Blender: Alien Abduction
Duration 3h Project Files Included MP4
Make this VFX shot your own
Although we are working step-by-step on one shot, this effect is meant to be totally customizable so you can tweak the settings and make an entirely different result.

It?s completely up to you!

Reconstructing the footage in 3D
We will begin the course by reconstructing our footage in 3D, so we can set up the correct shadow and light passes needed for compositing

UFO 3d Model is Included in the Course
Then, we will animate an included 3D UFO model into our shot, and fracture the roof of the house using a rigid-body simulation.

Finally, we will wrap everything up in the compositor and go over specific compositing techniques such as light wrapping, crypto mattes, and using masks and different blend modes to create our final shot.

While a base-level knowledge of Blender is assumed, there?s something in this course for beginners to intermediate users alike who want to sharpen their VFX skills.

Included in the course:
Footage of the house
3d UFO model
Bonus lesson: Adding Window Glow
22-Jan-21 Admin 246 0
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