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Udemy - Substance Painter - Hand painted trunk

Udemy - Substance Painter - Hand painted trunk
Udemy ? Substance Painter ? Hand painted trunk
Duration 1h 30m Project Files Included MP4
What you?ll learn
Using substance painter professionally
Understnding the meaninng of the different kinds of maps like : normal ? height ? diffuse and so on
Learning hand painting stuff
using the different brushes

be able to use tools in substance painter
be able to understand the layers like photoshop
be able to use textures
in this course you will learn , how to use substance painter professionally ?

First we will bake the mesh and use the curvature map in order to get nice shadows?

Then we will add height information to the mesh ?. This is like using alphas and textures in 3d programs ?

Finally we will go throw the painting process. Of course i will make it hand painting course, so im not going to use materials and smart ones. We will learn make our own materials ?

Who this course is for:
begginers in substance painter who have learned basic stuff like layer and tools like masking, filters and generators
intermidiate students who want to learn more in substnce
12-Jan-21 Admin 267 0
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