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Gumroad - Making a Zelda Environment in Unreal Engine 4

Gumroad - Making a Zelda Environment in Unreal Engine 4
Gumroad ? Making a Zelda Environment in Unreal Engine 4
Duration 8h 20m MP4
Creating a stylized environment from scratch is no easy task. In this tutorial Kem Yaralioglu, will demonstrate his thought process when it comes to approaching an environment and give you a general overview of how he has created this environment, explaining why choices are made and how you can use deploy these techniques in your own projects. This tutorial is not a step by step guide nor a walkthrough.

Whether you?re a seasoned artist, student, hobbyist or someone just starting out, grab this tutorial and learn the thought process of approaching an environment. Fuel your Creative Mind today.

The Artist

Kem Yaralioglu is currently an Environment Artist at Rare working on Sea of Thieves, and previous titles include Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Rainbow Six Siege, Elite Dangerous and Life Beyond. Kem has a huge passion for stylized art especially when it comes to artwork involving nature and his experience in the industry gives him the skill and knowledge to teach you some of the core aspects of creating environments with Unreal Engine 4.


8 Hour 20 Minutes
1080p Resolution
Unreal Engine 4
Substance Designer
12-Jan-21 Admin 456 0
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