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Thea Render for SketchUp v2.2.1015.1877 Win x64

Thea Render for SketchUp v2.2.1015.1877 Win x64
Thea Render for SketchUp v2.2.1015.1877 Win x64
Thea for SketchUp is a combination of powerful rendering engines of Thea with the simplicity of SketchUp. Having biased, unbiased and interactive render modes including GPU support at your fingertips, inside SketchUp view, is a joyful experience. The plugin lets you enrich your models with highly detailed three dimensional content, breaking old limitations related to handled model complexity.

Back Face Material Support:
Different materials can be applied to the front and back face of a surface allowing the creation of unique effects like fabric, leaves and more.

Interactive Render Overlay:
Thea for SketchUp allows you to run interactive rendering either inside Thea window or directly inside the SketchUp view, a feature that we call interactive render overlay. Additionally, with the use of interactive region rendering, you can select and render a region of the SketchUp view, providing ultra-fast feedback for complex scenery. It is a valuable tool in the workflow as it gives you an immediate visualization of modifications to the geometry, environment, depth of field, reflections, light distribution, material properties and external Thea models.
05-Jan-21 Admin 374 0
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