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CGCUP - Creating Environments - A Sci-fi Take on the Maya with Leon Tukker

CGCUP - Creating Environments - A Sci-fi Take on the Maya with Leon Tukker
CGCUP ? Creating Environments ? A Sci-fi Take on the Maya with Leon Tukker
For this masterclass, the Randomizer has prepared for Leon a corresponding challenge ? to reinvent and draw what the Mayan civilization could look like.

Watch Leon go beyond traditional 2D tools such as Photoshop. Using VR, 3D software and a graphics engine to create objects and model scenes, Leon will teach you about displacement maps, octane scatter, volume modeling, motion graphics and textures so you can learn how to build your own scene.

Leon specializes in environmental design, architecture, and sci-fi. Among his latest clients are Netflix, Axis Animation, Wizards of the Coast, and Paizo Publishing. Leon has also worked with Maxon company, known for Cinema 4D, as well as writers and music labels.

Our speaker is a winner of many art contests across several websites, including Artstation where he won the environmental design challenge, ?Ancient Civilizations: Lost & Found.?
27-Dec-20 Admin 320 0
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