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Skillshare - Maya Fluid Basics: Simulate & Render Dry Ice Smoke Cloud

Skillshare - Maya Fluid Basics: Simulate & Render Dry Ice Smoke Cloud
Skillshare ? Maya Fluid Basics: Simulate & Render Dry Ice Smoke Cloud
Duration 1h 42m Project Files Included MP4
Maya fluid simulation is so much fun.In this course you are going to create dry ice effect simulation inside Autodesk Maya in such a simple way that you have not seen this kind of techniques tips and tricks before. That is why

I am Really excited to teach you those techniques which is hidden inside Maya fluid and this kind of techniques tips and tricks is totally good for this kind of simulation and the knowledge you are going to gain from this class which you can apply in any circumstances while creating any kind of smoke fume ash cloud ETC.

In This Class You Are Going To Learn:

Creating geometry for fluid simulation
Detailed explanation of nParticle with Mel script
How to solve fluid and geometry collision issues
Rippling effects of smoke to get natural behavior of dry ice
The power of dissipating smoke in art directed way
How to use volume Axis field in order to focus on individual motion of you simulation
Lastly you are going to cache these nParticles and fluid in order to get a proper looking render
17-Dec-20 Admin 242 0
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