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Ivar Monotone Pantry

Ivar Monotone Pantry
Ivar Monotone Pantry
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 52.03 MB
The combination of racks Ikea Ivar:
a pair of wide racks (W 89cm x D 30cm x H 226cm)
narrow rack (W 48cm x D 30cm x H 226cm)
high metal cabinet (W 40cm x D 30cm x H 160cm)
drawers and hooks for shelf

If you decide to rearrange the shelves in height, then take into account the pitch of the holes ? 32mm, and also do not forget, besides the shelf itself, to move the plastic plugs on the sides

Polys: 303,733
Verts: 313,448

In the archive, the 3ds max 2014 scene and the obj file. Materials for Corona.
On the iron, towel, bags and paper Turbosmooth (Render Iterations).
22-Aug-20 Admin 343 0
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