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Udemy - Character Design and Illustration: The Licker in the Womb

Udemy - Character Design and Illustration: The Licker in the Womb
Udemy ? Character Design and Illustration: The Licker in the Womb
Duration 1h 30m MP4
Adobe Illustrator CS6 or higher
Resolution free Character Design and Illustration

Are you looking to start your career in character design? Are you looking for a way to hone your digital art skills? In this course, you will learn how to digital paint in Adobe Illustrator. I?ll walk you through the entire process from start to finish.

The techniques I?m using in this video series can be carried over into many other painting applications. The methods I?m using are particular to Adobe Illustrator. This video will focus primarily on how to digital paint in the broadest sense so we can apply the knowledge to any other process as we see fit.

Digital painting in Adobe Illustrator allows you to adapt your character design for many uses and sizes. Since vectors are scalable and do not pixelate when resized.

Just imagine the implications.

In this course, you will learn:

Render a unique character design
how to create brushes
how to build line art and texture
how to work with highlights and shadows
how to develop a value scale with vectors
how to make the character design process as pain free as possible
and much more!
26-Jul-20 Admin 413 0
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