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EQ3 Cello sectional sofa

EQ3 Cello sectional sofa
EQ3 Cello sectional sofa
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 159.27 MB
EQ3 Cello sectional sofa

Cello sectional sofa

Fabric sofa with a cape with pillows and fur rugs

The fur is made using Hair and Fur
To display correctly: System Units Setup ? Millimeters
Rendering> Effects> Hair and Fur> Hair> mr prim

Dimensions: 3150 x 1660 x 760 mm;

To reflect the fur along the axes:
1. Open the model group and select a skin;
2. In the ?Hair and Fur? modifier, in the ?Tools? tab, select ?Guides -> Splines?;
3. Wait for the end of the operation to create splines, on the basis of which the fur of your reflected model will be built;
4. Add the created splines to the general group of the model, close the group and reflect the model along the desired axis;
5. Ungroup, do X-FORM of all elements of the model;
6. Select the skin, in the modifier ?Hair and Fur? in the tab ?Tools? select ?Recomb From Splines?;
7. After clicking on the previously created splines. As a result, the fur will be recalculated based on your splines;
8. Delete splines and close the model group.

polys: 747.167;
verts: 766,219.
22-Jul-20 Admin 427 0
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