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Gumroad - The Complete Introduction to 2D Animation - Toniko Pantoja

Gumroad - The Complete Introduction to 2D Animation - Toniko Pantoja
Gumroad ? The Complete Introduction to 2D Animation ? Toniko Pantoja
Duration 27h Project Files Included MP4
Learn how to animate for any style of Hand Drawn Animation.
The Complete Introduction to 2D Animation is a modernized and fun way to approach the classical animation fundamentals that is applicable to any approach of 2D. The package is a dense collection of lessons, demos, project files video lectures and advice for approaching hand drawn character animation. Aimed for students who wish to use this as a supplement, artists within the industry interested in 2D, independent animators and content creators.

The Complete Introduction to 2D Animation has three main goals, which is to

1. Share knowledge on starting hand drawn animation without forcing down a style of animation, but teaching what is necessary
2. Give examples and multiple ideas on how to solve and explore animation concepts
3. Allow learners go on their own pace.

Includes 4 parts + 3 Extra products
13-Jul-20 Admin 335 0
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