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The Medallion Outlet art

The Medallion Outlet art
The Medallion Outlet art
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 83.33 MB
The Medallion Outlet art.3026.3245.3260 vray + corona Each item has 3 color schemes, all of them in the archive. Materials set. Total 9 models. The size of 1.55 to 1.55 m in the archive: -. File 3dMAX 2011 the vray ? file 3dMAX the vray 2014 ? 2014 file 3dMAX corona (materials are not converted and re-created, the second preview it with corona) ? file .obj + .mat ? texture used marble manufacturer: Negro Marquina, Emperador Brown Dark, Oasis Green, Crema Marfil, Rosa Verona, Travertine ? Torreon, Emperador

07-Jul-20 Admin 377 0
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