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LG - P12SP external air conditioning unit

LG - P12SP external air conditioning unit
LG ? P12SP external air conditioning unit
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 27.64 MB
Manufacturer ? LG.
Model ? LG ? P12SP Mega DUAL Inverter external unit

Completely in the dimensions of the manufacturer.

The model does not use external textures, only standard procedural ones.

The main body and some parts are made for smoothing.

All tubes and connection cables can be changed, the stack is not collapsible.

Preview made in Corona render 1.7.4.
V-ray model may vary slightly.

Scene in system units mm.

Includes formats: Max v-ray 2012,2014, 2016, Corona max 2012, 2014, 2016, Obj, 3ds
File max 2012, compatible with vray 2.40.03.

In Obj, 3ds you need to reassign materials.
26-Jun-20 Admin 354 0
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