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Svalnas Ikea type 3 system and furniture designer vol. 1

Svalnas Ikea type 3 system and furniture designer vol. 1
Svalnas Ikea type 3 system and furniture designer vol. 1
MAX | OBJ | TEX | 3D Models | 10.37 MB
Units: Millimeters
Polys: 131 002
Render: V-Ray, Corona
Formats: 3Ds Max 2013, OBJ

In this model, Svalnas Ikea presents a system of shelves, and two wall combinations of the workspace.
And also the designer is broken into parts for convenient combination of this model. Any details in this model can be rebuilt by you in any combination.
The model is lowpoly under anti-aliasing. UVW is configured. The smoothing modifier is not collapsed.
Scene saved at 2013max. Under corona and v-ray.
The paths to the textures are reset. All details and textures are named with unique names. The model is suitable for medium, close, distant angles.

Models presented in the archive:

1. SVALNAS Wall-mounted shelf combination, bamboo
Article Number: 691.844.31
Size 33 7 / 8?9 7 / 8?69 1/4 ?
Width: 86 cm Depth: 25 cm Height: 176 cm
Min. depth: 15 cm Max. depth: 25 cm

2. SVALNAS Wall-mounted workspace combination, bamboo
Article Number: 091.844.48
Size 33 7 / 8?13 3 / 4?69 1/4 ?
Width: 86 cm Depth: 35 cm Height: 176 cm

3. SVALNAS Wall-mounted workspace combination, bamboo, white
Article Number: 491.844.46
Size 59?13 3 / 4?36 5/8 ?
Width: 150 cm Depth: 35 cm Height: 93 cm
Min. depth: 15 cm Max. depth: 35 cm

If you have any problems with the models, please contact me in private messages.
See other configurations in my profile.
26-Jun-20 Admin 505 0
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