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Equipment for the creation of parking lots, road fences

Equipment for the creation of parking lots, road fences
Equipment for the creation of parking lots, road fences
max | fbx | 3D Models | 83.83 MB
parking, cone, fast, payment, recumbent, barrier, water filling, column, artificial, road, irregularity, limiter, automated, entrance counter, fencing, traffic light, sign, markup, entry, parking meter

Equipment for the creation of parking lots and road barriers.
The kit includes
-cones (3 sizes available)
-watering barrier (2 size options)
-signal column (3 sizes)
-column fencing with chain
? artificial road roughness (lying police officer), consists of modules
wheel limiter
? automated post, (barrier, posts of entry and exit, concrete base with fences, sfetofor and signs)

assembled parking option using a dial element and customized asphalt material and parking markings.

Detailing the model is suitable for close-ups and 4K renders.
The model was created in 3ds Max 2014. For the render used Vray 3.6 and corona 1.6

? The model has the original size.
? The model opens without errors.
? The model does not use third-party plug-ins.
File format:
? 3ds Max 14 V-Ray
? 3ds max 14 corona render (.mat)
? FBX (Multi Format)
10-Dec-19 Admin 593 0
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