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Dwarf Florarium

Dwarf Florarium
Dwarf Florarium
max | fbx | 3D Models | 58.71 MB
Florarium dwarf ? florarium with dwarf plants in a glass vessel with illumination.

Presented are miniature plants that require special care.
The size of the florarium:
Height ? 1000 mm
Diameter ? 640 mm

Polys ? 982 423
Verts ? 1 128 634

Perfectly suitable for interiors, if necessary, you can scale the plants to normal size and use in exteriors.
For distant plans, you can turn off the display of the tree and earth bark.

All groups of objects, textures and materials have a logical name in English. All files in the archive also have a logical name.

Separately saved the material file for the FBX version. Also for FBX added displacement maps and indicated in the name of the parameters of their use.

In the archive you will find:
-textures to the florarium
-Model for 2014 version
-FBX file 2006 version
-file of materials Florarium.mat

The materials were configured in Vray 3.50.04

07-Jun-19 Admin 657 0
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