DigitalXModels - 3D Model Collection - Volume 31: RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT

DigitalXModels ? 3D Model Collection ? Volume 31: RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT
I still remember the old days when a client would send over a design for a restaurant and I would always dread the thought of having to show the slightest glimpse of stainless steel. If it was before the days of fuzzy reflections, it never looked right at all. And in the first few years after they came out, they looked better, but killed your render times! And this was after you went through the hassle of modeling various pieces of equipment! It just never seemed to pay off! Well, fortunately the render times are rarely an issue these days and the stainless materials are quite realistic. The only challenge left is obtaining the models! You?ve come to the right place, my friend. 33 3D models make this collection shine!
Formats: .3ds, .obj, .fbx | Textures included | Materials Included