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Best Model of the Week RH / AVIATOR STORAGE BED

Best Model of the Week RH / AVIATOR STORAGE BED
Best Model of the Week RH / AVIATOR STORAGE BED
max | fbx | 3D models | 118 MB

[/center] Set items in the room or teenage boy from Restoration Hardware.
The file contains the following items: – Bed AVIATOR STORAGE BED – Linen WASHED CHAMBRAY & PLUS SIGN BEDDING COLLECTION – Bedside tables CALVIN LOW NIGHTSTAND – Carpet MELO RUG – Bra INDUSTRIAL HEADLIGHT SCONCE (hierarchy set) – Lyustra- fan EARHART CEILING FAN VINTAGE BLACK – Headphones, a glass of water, books, bag. Turbosmooth (not folded stack). Scan Unwrap UVW configured. The archive contains a file with the materials. Textures and mat
31-Mar-17 Admin 1 083 0
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