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[Tutorial] Pluralsight - Animating Blood Flow in Maya

[Tutorial]  Pluralsight - Animating Blood Flow in Maya
Pluralsight – Animating Blood Flow in Maya
Creating an animation of red blood cells is one of the most common problems a medical animator is presented with. In this course, Animating Blood Flow in Maya, you will be taught the scientific basics about how red blood cells move through vessels and shown how to replicate this in Autodesk Maya. First, you will be presented with basic information about the physics of blood cells, arteries, and veins. Next, you’ll be shown how to create nParticles in Maya that behave and look like red blood cells. Finally, you’ll be shown how to make these cells interact with their surroundings, the blood vessels. When you’re finished with this Maya course, you’ll not only know the basics of red blood cell animation, but also be taught how to replicate their real-world environment. Software required: Autodesk Maya.

06-Nov-16 Admin 969 0
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