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Game Art Institute - Character Creation For Games with Adam Skutt Week 1 - 3

Game Art Institute - Character Creation For Games with Adam Skutt Week 1 - 3
Game Art Institute - Character Creation For Games with Adam Skutt Week 1 - 3
Create Amazing Realistic Game Characters

Learn the art of creating a game character. Everything from anatomy to clothing to topology and texturing is covered in this course. Substance Designer and Marvelous Designer are just some of the programs that Adam dives into as well as Mari and ZBrush.

If you wish to get into the fast growing game industry and score a stable art job with amazing potential to grow then you need Adam Skutt’s course.

Adam works at Epic Games where he gets paid to sculpt and paint realistic characters all day long and he is here to show you the skills, tools and workflows that you need to know to excel in this industry.

This live eight week course with Epic Lead Character Artist Adam Skutt will go into the depths of character creation for games and cinematic.

Adam is currently working as a senior character artist at Epic. Previous to that he Naughty Dog where he was a Lead Character Artist on Uncharted 4.

In this course you’ll learn:

How To Establish Proper Topology For Your Characters
Basic Character Anatomy & Proportions
Facial Anatomy That Matters
Importing & Exporting For Games
Proper Map Setup
and much more…

Assignment #1

Heroic male, age 25 – 40 for example. (topic of character can be discussed, must be humanoid)

Create a hero worthy character from the chest up. This character should be in the realm of characterized

realism. Think Marv, from Sin City. Learn to make choices that help sell the characters personality and


For the first project I will go over gathering reference material, establishing a concept/plan of action and

high poly modeling techniques in Zbrush Maya.

Week 1 Demonstrate head sculpting techniques: primary, secondary and tertiary details
Week 2 critique and more demo for high poly clothing and costume elements creation.
Week 3 final critique of high poly model

10-Aug-16 Admin 1 134 0
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