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[Max] Turbosquid Soccer Stadium with animated fans

[Max] Turbosquid Soccer Stadium with animated fans
Turbosquid Soccer Stadium with animated fans
max | 3D models | 523 MB

Highly detailed model of a 3d soccer arena with animated fans.

Zip file contains:

– 19 bip files used for fans animation.
– 34 textured and biped fan characters.
– stadium materials
– textures
– 4 max scenes build on Vray proxy objects setup for rendering:
1. Daylight empty stadium
2. Daylight full of fans stadium
3. Evening scene with fans
4. Additional scene with flares and volume light effects.
(they were composited using video post)
– proxy objects
– all stadium elements as separate scenes.

Fans and Seats were distributed using MultiScatter* plugin which installation is required to render scenes properly.

*It is NOT required to register/buy Multiscatter plugin in order to open and render scenes. Registration is necessary to edit plugin parameters.

For instructions please download MultiScatter_Plugin_Instructions.pdf from ‘Previews’ section on the right.

07-Jul-16 Admin 960 0
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