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Black Widow Full Kit

Black Widow Full Kit
Black Widow Full Kit
obj | fbx | mtl | 496 MB

Black Widow Full Kit

This collections includes the following sets:

“Black Widow” Details Pack:

These machined parts are great for using as small peripheral details both for surface detailing and as internal space fillers that add extra layer of intricacy to your 3d model.

“Black Widow” Structural Frames:

Structural Frames is especially helpful for detailing up those internal areas of your model that will be partially exposed, therefore adding extra depth and believable complexity to your mechanical design. Some parts from this set are also great for exterior detailing of a fictional military vehicle.

“Black Widow” Structural Parts:

Designed with a raw cnc-milled aesthetics in mind these parts will enhance brutality of any mecha or fictional military concept design of yours!

“Black Widow” Attachment Blocks Pack:

If you’re up to design a sci-fi rocket launcher or detail up a tank or any other futuristic military design these models will help to speed up the process and make it more fun!

Format : OBJ, FBX. Faces: 2809559. Geometry Type: NonSubd

25-Jun-16 Admin 546 0
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