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Conceptualizing 3D Horror Models in ZBrush

Conceptualizing 3D Horror Models in ZBrush
Conceptualizing 3D Horror Models in ZBrush
Knowing how to create scary creatures is a must in the film/game industry. You’ll learn how to come up with creature ideas, sculpt/texture them, and finally shade and light them.
Horror is one of the most popular genres in the film/game industry. If you want to learn how to create models perfect for horror movies or games, this is the course for you! This course, Conceptualizing 3D Horror Models in ZBrush, will take you from the inspiration stage to the creation of the model using Zbrush, Keyshot, Photoshop and Alien Skin Exposure X. You will learn how to take inspiration from Lovecraft, Japanese horror, and other sources to create horror models.

First, you’ll see some references that will help you create a concept that deserves the ‘horror’ label. Next, you’ll get into the actual business of sculpting, texturing, and coloring your concept character. Finally, you’ll give life to the concept by utilizing lighting and shading techniques in Keyshot that will give you a fantastic render. By the end of this course, you’ll be more experienced with the knowledge and tools you need to create horrifying creatures for your own projects. Required software: ZBrush, Photoshop, Keyshot, Alien Skin Exposure X.

25-May-16 Admin 1 120 0
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