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[Tutorials ] CartoonSmart - How to Draw Cherry 2.0 and The Complete Cherry Pose Packs Collection

[Tutorials ] CartoonSmart - How to Draw Cherry 2.0 and The Complete Cherry Pose Packs Collection

CartoonSmart - How to Draw Cherry 2.0 and The Complete Cherry Pose Packs Collection

Paris Christou's original creation, the alluring Cherry, is back! Cherry is something of a YouTube celebrity. She's gathered a huge Fanbase of over 100,000 fans around the world in 188 countries. And while it's always fun to see where she ends up in her pin-up style posters, it's just as fun to see how she got there. Paris Christou has recorded 22 hours of video tutorials on how to draw Cherry, including four life-drawing style sessions where he covers various poses: kneeling, reclining, sitting, standing and actions. Get your favorite illustration program ready (or simple pencil and paper) because it's time to draw with Paris, a teacher like no other!


28-Jan-16 Admin 459 0
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