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Black Wolf Animated 3D Model - Max

Black Wolf Animated 3D Model - Max

Black Wolf Animated 3D Model
max | fbx | 3D models | 132 MB

A low poly model of a Black Wolf fully rigged and textures. Has facial bones to contol lips, braw and eyelids. Great for games and animations.

Animations: 11
walk, run, stalk, pounce, jump, claw swipe, douple claw swipe, Biting, dodge left, dodge right, dodge backward.

Comes with a Diffuse map, normal and specular. Theres a muscle map that can be used with a displace modifier to add muscle or to make it skinnier.

File formats are 3Dsmax 2010,2011, fbx.

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13-Jan-16 Admin 1 252 0
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