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[Plugins] Unreal Engine 4 - MMO Starter Kit v1.4

[Plugins] Unreal Engine 4 - MMO Starter Kit v1.4

Unreal Engine 4 - MMO Starter Kit v1.4

MMO Starter Kit for Unreal
MMO Starter Kit provides a great starting point for developing or prototyping an MMO. Saving you hours of work, it lets you concentrate on what makes your game unique.

Requires Unreal Engine 4
No third-party solution (such as Photon or RakNet) required ? so no monthly fees and you are free to host your server anywhere you want. The documentation has instructions on how to order and set up a dedicated server on Softlayer

- All source code included
- Fully in Blueprints
- Persistent storage of data in a mySQL database.
- Character position and stats are saved when the character logs off and restored when it enters world again.
- Registration, login and character creation.
- Authoritative server
- Launcher/autoupdater that can update the game and itself (separate application, in C#)
- Combat
- Roaming NPCs that fight back and chase after the player if attacked
- Inventory and loot
- Equipment
- Player and NPC respawn
- Combat log
- Classic MMO controls
- Chat with multilingual support
- UMG user interface

11-Dec-15 Admin 750 0
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