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[Tutorials] Udemy - VFX Bootcamp Zombie Highway

[Tutorials] Udemy - VFX Bootcamp Zombie Highway

Udemy - VFX Bootcamp Zombie Highway

I will guide you through a small VFX pipeline to make an amazing movie clip-Once learned you will have the knowledge to take on your own footage and create some stunning visual FX. I will cover Matte painting work and how to use resources from our original footage, than we proceed in creating movement in the shot with various items like smoke- Then on to some 3d integration to make the shot really sing.

You will learn how to:
  1. Create a realistic matte painting(add items,delete items from our footage)
  2. Create your own smoke VFX
  3. Create lighting for your scene
  4. Take a 3d model and and use in footage with its own shadow VFX
  5. and many techniques to make a real Hollywood clip!
Bonus Tutorial: Learn to take any 3d object and place into any live footage! This technique is one of the best things I have ever learned! With this knowledge you can place robots,spaceships and any thing you can imagine inside live footqage- to me this bonus is worth the price in its self, why because it took me months to figure it out lol I know you will be truly happy with this bonus for sure-

24-Nov-15 Admin 647 0
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