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[3DMax] DOSCH DESIGN 2D Viz Images People International Travel

[3DMax] DOSCH DESIGN 2D Viz Images People International Travel

DOSCH DESIGN 2D Viz Images People International Travel
psd | 2D viz images | 2.52 GB
The 300 clip-maps are perfect “cut-outs”, i.e. blend into their respective background and surrounding beautifully and naturally – they become part of the overall scene and don’t look artificial or super-imposed. The high-resolution images have a size of around 2000 x 4000 pixel per person.

Each picture comes with the matching alpha-channel. As usual with Dosch Design products all Dosch Viz-Images are license-free, and can therefore be used in commercial pictures & designs at no extra charge.

27-Jul-15 Admin 891 0
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