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[Tutorials] ThinkParametric - Creating Louver Facade Explorations with Arie-Willem de Jongh

[Tutorials] ThinkParametric - Creating Louver Facade Explorations with Arie-Willem de Jongh

ThinkParametric - Creating Louver Facade Explorations with Arie-Willem de Jongh | 392MB

Join us in this first episode were we have Arie Willem de Jongh, an architect currently working at Rojkind Architects, who will share with us some of his thinking and approach for doing design explorations.
On this occasion we take a couple of references from the web and inspire on them to create a folding louver facade design concept.
This is a long episode so make sure you have plenty of time to watch it. Apologies for the barking at the beginning of the video, we had to record this session at my apartment , also expect a bit of swearing here and there we are not the finest persons while doing our thing.
Take Aways
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09-May-15 Admin 843 0
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