Warhammer: DarkElves – Bloodwrack Medusae (Iclone)
It is said that the the Bloodwrack Medusae were Sorceresses of Ghrond who used their magics and blood-feasting rituals to become more beautiful than even the gods. In so doing, they came to the attention of the goddess Atharti, who is vain beyond measure and suffers no mortal competition. In retribution, the Goddess of Pleasure stripped the upstart mortals of their beauteous forms and caged them in pain-wracked, serpentine bodies. Even this punishment she deemed insufficient, and so she reduced their minds to be little more than those of beasts. Atharti left only one sliver of awareness to her victims, enough that they might always remember with torment the beauty and power they had once possessed.
Contents (Own game rip):
3 iAvatars 4k (from modulair meshes 2 heads and 3 bodies);
2 weapons iprops;
43 motion files;
iproject with motions (see: https://youtu.be/E_yeo-YJXnw).
The ureal version will be later shared for free on uecandy.
Detail Link: "."
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