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Accelerator for UltraScenery [UD 2021-07-02]
Accelerator for UltraScenery [UD 2021-07-02]

Accelerator for UltraScenery [UD 2021-07-02]

Give UltraScenery a speed boost with Accelerator for UltraScenery.

This Daz Studio plugin (for Windows and MacOS) dramatically cuts the time it takes for UltraScenery to generate scenes.

Using the plugin SDK instead of the scripting engine to process UltraScenery ecologies enables the Accelerator to generate scenes 5-10x faster than the original script.

Once installed use UltraScenery in just the same way you always have – but much faster. Get Accelerator for UltraScenery today and make your favorite ecologies with hypersonic speed!

Resolved Issues

2021-01-15 Ver 1.0.2

Fixed nullptr passed to removeNode() warnings

Fixed crash when rebuilding a scene after deselecting a restrict camera

“Square” type distribution ecologies now work correctly

2021-07-02 Fixes an issue where the plugin writes a large amount of unwanted info to the log file.

Required Product:

UltraScenery – Realistic Landscape System [UD 2021-05-24]

09-Apr-22 Admin 185 0
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