Zero-G Bundle

Zero-G Bundle Includes:
Madlab 5: Zero-G Core Pack:
- Chamber: This is a tall circular room with 4 walls, ceiling and floor. There are columns between the walls. The columns have 4 morphs to move each column out of view for better camera views. The walls can move up and down and out of view.
- Chamber Wall 1: This is an add-on wall for the chamber. It features an iris door and circular corridor behind the iris door. The corridor has top, bottom and right/left walls that can be moved out of the way for better views. The iris door has a master pose dial to open all the iris segments at once.
- Chamber Wall 2: This is an add-on wall with a viewing window and corridor behind the window. Each end of the corridor has a posable door. All the walls, ceiling, floor and doors can be moved out of view for good camera angles.
- Chamber Assem 1: This is a pre-assembled chamber with the addition of (1) Chamber Wall 1, an extra corridor section and extra iris door.
- Chamber Assem 2: This is a pre-assembled chamber with the addition of (4) Chamber Wall 2 figures. The unused doors of the Wall 2 figures have been dropped down out of view.
- Chamber Assem 3: This is a pre-assembled chamber with the addition of (1) Chamber Wall 1 figure, extra corridor, extra iris door and (3) Chamber Wall 2 figures.
- Computer Station: This is large computer panel that you can add to the walls of the chamber or place anywhere.
- Console Station: This is a 1/4 circle computer control console with re-positionable consoles and posable parts.
- Core: The Core is a floor to ceiling structure with a re-positionable glass shield in the center. The glass shield can be moved out of view. There are three additional figures that can be combined with the Core.
- Core Cuffs: These are posable arm and leg cuffs with tentacle style armatures
- Core Restraints: This is a figure that can be added to the Core or used as a stand alone. The arm and leg cuffs/cuff bases are re-positionable.Pose files for M4 and V4 are provided for the cuffs and M4/V4. This figure can be combined with the core or used as a stand alone.
- Core Sphere: This is a power cell with ambient glow sphere in the center. This can be added to the Core figure.
- Drone 1: This is a posable drone/robot that can fly around the scene. The eye is posable as well as the 4 thrusters. You can add one of the tentacle tool arm to this figure.
- Gyro: This is a gyroscope style restraint machine. It is fully posable and has adjustment morphs on the stems of the cuffs. Pose files for V4 and M4 are provided in the pose library.
- Hover Table (m4 and v4 version): This is a fully articulated restraint table with a hover jet on the back. Pose files for M4 and V4 provided.
- Ladder: This is a simple 2 part ladder figure that you can add to any wall. This is useful for characters to use for stabilization in Zero-G environment.
- Light Ring: This is a posable ring of lights and monitors you can add to your scene. The small antennas on the ends of the light banks are re-positionable.
- Tool Tenta Arm: This is a posable tool armature with easypose bending technology.
- Tenta-Inject: This is a syringe style tool for injecting fluid into your characters. The vial can be repositioned.
- Tenta-Probe: This is a probe/laser tool tip. There is a small laser tip hidden just inside the tip of the probe that has a beam length morph.
- Tenta-Saw: This is a posable cutting saw tool tip.
- Tenta-Suction: This tool tip can be used as a milking device for breasts or as an umbillical cord type device, or a can be used to attach to the body or other figure.
- Tenta-Tongs: This is a tweezers/pincher type of device. The tong tips can be hidden to just have sharp metal tweezer tips. Each arm is posable.
- Tenta-* : This is a posable tentacle tool arm with the tools pre-parented to the tips.
- Tool Holder: This is a floating tool holder that can be used to attach the Tool Tentacles to (a pre-parented version is provided). There is a floating stem to move the figure around, remember, this is zero gravity. Inside the tool holder housing is a hidden lazer tip assembly. There is a pose file in the pose library to reveal the laser tip. Inside the tip of the laser is a morph adjustable beam. There is a pose file to hide and show the laser tip as well as a pose to hide the stem of the tool holder if you don't want to see it.
- Xtra Corridor: This is an extra circular corridor section with movable walls and ceiling. You can add these together and place them behind Chamber Wall 1 door.
- Xtra iris Door: This is an extra iris door with posable door segments. If you are using Poser 7 or higher, there is a master parameter pose dial that will open all the door segments at once.
Pre-Assemblies: There are some pre-assembled figures such as a console station ring attached to a null base (to move all the consoles together), a pre-assembled tool holder and pre-assembled Core features.
Madlab 5: Zero-G Adult Expansion Pack:
- Drone 1: This is a posable drone/robot that can fly around the scene. The eye is posable as well as the 4 thrusters. You can add one of the tentacle tool arm to this figure. 2 Pre-assembled versions of this drone are provided in the pre-assemblies folder.
- Drone 2: This is a posable drone/robot with re-positionable antennas, tool connections and easypose tentacle tool arms. You can add any of the supplied tool tips in the package to the heads of the tentacle arms.
- Hover Restraints 1 and 2 (m4 and v4 version): These are floating restraints to hold M4 and V4. These figures have adjustable arm/leg connections and posable head holder (restraint 1). Pose file is included for restraints and M4/V4. There are 2 versions of each Hover Restraint, one for M4 and V4, the M4 version is scaled up.
- Tool Tenta Arm: This is a posable tool armature with easypose bending technology.
- Tenta-Dildo : This is a posable tentacle tool arm with Tool-6 Dildo pre-parented to it.
- Tenta-Suction : This is a posable tentacle tool arm with Tool 5-Suction tool pre-parented to it.
- Tool 5-Suction: This tool tip can be used as a milking device for breasts or as an umbillical cord type device, or a can be used to attach to the body or other figure.
- Tool 6-Dildo: A dildo/probe tip on a short easypose stem. The base of the stem can attach to the tentacle armature figure.
- Tool7-M4 Pump: This is a tool tip that can be used to gather semen from the male penis.
- Stage Base: This is a ceiling mounted (or floor mounted) base with a posable stem that you can attach the Stage 1 or Stage 2 figures to. The stem has easypose bending technology and full bending control in the wireframe displayed segments. The 4 antenna armatures are fully posable.
- Stage 1: This is a fully posable bed style machine with 4 easypose tentacle armatures with easypose bending tech.
- Stage 2: This is a posable bed style machine like Stage 1, it also has easypose tentacle arms and symmetrical mirroring ability. There is a stem on the stage that you can use to connect to other equipment, walls, etc.
Adult Expansion pre-assemblies:
These are pre-assembled figures ready to load into your scene which include a couple versions of drone 1 and 2. Assembly 2 of each utilizes the M4 milking penis pump.
Madlab 5: Zero-G Adult Expansion 2:
- Milk Hose Connectors: These are symmetrical mirroring connectors/intake ports with a posable hose intake in each one. You can place these connectors on any piece of equipment, restraints or surface so you can direct the milk pump hoses into them.
- Milking Pumps: These are a couple of unique designed milking pumps with a hydraulic piston style pump action. Each pump has a long, easypose hose with bending control node every 20 segments.
- Milking Station Drone: This is a cool droid special made for milking and feeding. It has re positionable parts like antennas, milk bottles, milk intakes, posable tentacle arm with feeder dildo head, hose intake shaft to attach another tentacle arm to and a menacing robotic eye. You can use this in conjunction with the milking pumps, milking table and V4 smart prop mask/gag set.
- Table: This is a cool restraint table with posable light armature, posable face cover/shield, 2 easypose short hoses, arm covers, leg cover, extra attachment boxes, a tentacle armature with pussy probe dildo head attached to it and fluid storage tanks on the bottom.
- Tenta - Feeder Assem: This is a pre-smart propped feeder dildo head attached to an easypose Tool Tenta Arm. The Feeder head has some size morphs. The Tenta Arm has easypose bending technology built into it.
- Tenta - Probe Assem: This is a pre-smart propped pussy probe dildo attached to an easypose Tool Tenta Arm. The probe head has some size and bending morphs.
- Tool Tenta Arm: The Tenta Arm has easypose bending technology built into it. It poses from the head of the hose (where the tools are attached) toward the empty end of the arm/hose
Smart Props:
- Feeder Dildo: This is a dildo head that is meant to go into your characters mouth. When rendered, you will see a chrome reflective head withfeeder holes in it, this lets fluids flow through the head. This prop has some size/shape morphs.
- Pussy Probe: This is a probe that can be used with the Pussy Probe Mount smart prop. This probe, when rendered, will have perforation holes along the shaft, this allows fluids to pass through in either direction. There are some bending and size morphs. You can use this in conjunction with the Pussy Probe Mount that fits onto V4's private parts.
- Pussy Probe Mount: This is a mount that has a shaft opening on it. This mount smart props to V4's hip and covers the vagina. You can this put things, such as the pussy probe, into the shaft hole.
Product Requirements and Compatibility:
- PC and Mac compatible
- Poser 5+ rigged and tested
- Poser 7+ required for master parameter pose dial on 2 of the figures (manual posing is also able)
- Not tested in DazStudio but should work with minor texture and location adjustments for reflection mapping and bump/displacement mapping
- Some pre-parented items may not translate well into Daz Studio, however you can assemble the parts to create your own setup.
- .Obj, .cr2, .pz2, pp2, .png, .jpg formatted files
- Does not require any other purchases
Product ID: renderotica-51965
Detail Link:
Only Golden Member OR free download at
Detail Link:
Only Golden Member OR free download at