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Pinto Overlays 2 for the HiveWire Horse
Pinto Overlays 2 for the HiveWire Horse

Ever wanted to turn that chestnut into a pinto? What about the black or even the bay?
Well now you can, pintos of every colour and pattern for the HiveWire Horse just waiting to gallop through your renders.

A set of 15 different pinto patterns in LIE format that allow you to turn and of the HW Horse coats into pinots.
No more will you be limited to just one or two patterns or have your herds looking like clones, these overlays provide a wide range of mix and match options for you
Where applicable each pattern comes with the option of dark or pale muzzles and eye patches.
Three options for mixed talis with one extra specifically for the short/foal tail.
Mane overlays to match coats where applicable plus one general mixed option.
Fetlock overlay to match coats where applicable plus one general mixed option.
Four options for the eyes, Blue, Brown and mixed left and right sets

There are five forms of Pinto coat patterning generally recognised around the world, (though not all are considered registrable with all Pinto Societies), Overo, Tobiano, Splashed White, Tovero and Sabino, and I have used these to give some form of categorisation though they may not mean much to some

The origins of the names are as varied as the patterns themselves, from a Cavalry general who favoured horse with one particular coat pattern for his troops to
Spanish words meaning speckled or mottled.
Product ID: 144420-RO
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Only Golden Member OR free download at
22-Mar-24 Phuong 7 0
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