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The Undead Warrior

The Undead Warrior

This add-on pack requires the Mesh Manglers Skeleton Bones Pack. This pack consists of 22 separate and individual Armour smartprops, 11 in plain rusty steel and 11 in a bloodied steel state.

The Armour props for the Skeleton cover:

2 x Helmets
1 x Chest Armour
1 x Chest Armour Chains
1 x Left/ 1 x Right Upper Arm Armour
1 x Left/ 1 x Right Forearm Armour
1 x Hip Armour
1 x Left/ 1 x Right Shin Armour

Figure files are provided so that the Skeleton and all the Armour props can be added to your scene with just a single click, or you can add just the Armour props you want individually.

There are also 4 additional MAT Poses to compliment those provided in the Skeleton Bones Pack to give a bloodied version of the Skeleton Bones.

The pack also contains a shield, sword and mace prop in both the bloodied and unbloodied state.

There are six poses in this pack which can be used on any of the Skeleton model variations.
Obliterate - A pose for when the opponent is down and about to have their head caved in.
Salute - An at 'Attention' pose for lining up with other warriors. For use with the Sword and Shield.
Skull Crusher - A two handed attack best used with the Mace.
Struck - A pose simulating the warrior being dealt a savage blow.
Thrust - An attack pose for the Sword and Shield.
Victory Yell - A triumphant pose after defeating a worthy foe.

This is a versatile package that together with the Skeleton Bones Pack allows a wide variety of armour (bloodied/unbloodied), eye colour and teeth type combinations. Combine this pack with the Blood Mummy Pack and mix and match armour, weapon and bandage props to give many variations of character types

Mesh Manglers Skeleton Bones Pack Link:

Mesh Manglers Blood Mummy Pack Link:
Product ID: 67100-RO
Detail Link:

Only Golden Member OR free download at
09-Jan-24 Phuong 11 0
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