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MMX Resource Saver Shaders Collection 7 for Iray
MMX Resource Saver Shaders Collection 7 for Iray

As with all other sets in this series, the MMX Resource Saver Shaders Collection 7 is designed to help reduce the overall resource use of textures within your scene, but this time the focus is clothing. To accomplish this, the set provides texture-free options to mimic the look of clothing from a distance and small seamless 512x512 maps that can be used in combination with them for items closer to the camera.

Base Types: The 21 base types help create the look of any clothing surface regardless of how shiny it is or is not.

These can be used with the 60 base diffuse colors and the 70 glossy colors for a complete texture-free solution for any surface in your scene.

The set provides 86 seamless tiled maps. 18 diffuse maps, 11 Normal maps, and 9 Opacity maps, each of which are only available in those image channels. There are also 22 Primary maps and 26 Secondary maps which are made to be used up to 7 different image channels. These maps can be applied in any combination you see fit with the base types and colors.

There are strength presets for the metallicity, normal, bump, and displacement maps along with separate image tiling for each image channel. There is also a Remove Map preset for each image channel.
Product ID: 91712-DAZ
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28-Dec-23 Phuong 17 0
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