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Flinks Rolling Hills - Winter Forest

Flinks Rolling Hills - Winter Forest

"Flinks Rolling Hills - Winter Forest" contains 38 different objects in the Poser format.

A hilly landscape with a flat area in the center.
The same landscape as in the "Rolling Hills" package, only with a snow texture. Therefore, the "Winter Forest" is fully compatible and can be combined with the other "Rolling Hills" packages, but does not require them.

The landscape is divided into 9 areas for which the objects can be loaded and combined separately.

For each area of the landscape there is a "Snow" object. These are small piles of snow, like snow that has fallen from the trees.

There are 6 different snow materials (5 for DAZ-Iray) for the snow of the trees and the other snow objects

For each area of the landscape, except "Out", there is a "Trees" object. For the center there are 2 different "Trees" objects.
These are groups of different trees covered with snow. The trees are more detailed near the center and less detailed near the edge of the landscape.

There are also 5 smaller (slightly circular) "Trees" objects. These are for free placement and they are a bit more detailed than the other "Trees" objects.

For each "Trees" object there is a matching "Lights" object. This is a Christmas tree lighting with 5 different light material zones. In Superfly and Iray these objects also emmit light. There are 10 different materials with different colors and combinations.

Also included are 17 material presets and 5 single shaders(snow) for DAZ Studio 4.15 - Iray

The materials and the look of the trees are compatible with those of the "Flinks Snowy Coniferous Forest" and the "Conifer 3" products. So they can be combined very well.

For Poser:

- 14 Trees props

- 14 Lights props

- 9 Snow props

- 5 combined props (the Circle Trees objects and Circle Lights objects can be loaded from the library as already combined objects)

- 6 snow materials & shaders

- 10 grass materials

For DAZ:

- 17 material presets & 5 single shaders for DAZ Studio 4.15 - Iray
Product ID: 152564-RO
Detail Link:

Only Golden Member OR free download at
27-Nov-23 Admin 20 0
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